
Fabio Dono – Unity Software Engineer Portfolio

About Me
Senior Unity Software Engineer with extensive experience in AR, VR, and XR development. Passionate about creating immersive experiences and leveraging cutting-edge technologies to push the boundaries of digital interaction.

Featured Projects

  1. Decentraland
    A leader in the Metaverse space, Decentraland uses Unity for creating a vast, immersive world. My role was pivotal in performance optimization and enhancing the overall user experience.
    Explore Decentraland
    View Open Source Project
  2. Secret Oops! – AR Game for Apple Arcade
    A groundbreaking AR multiplayer game that set new standards for creativity and technical excellence in mobile gaming.
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  3. Juglr! on NEX Console
    As the tech brain behind Juglr!, I contributed to the development of this motion-tracked game for the innovative NEX playground console, blending physical activity with digital fun.
    About NEX Console
    Watch Juglr! Gameplay
  4. Zone Zero – VR Competitive Arena Shooter
    Developed immersive gameplay mechanics and environments for this engaging VR shooter, showcasing my skills in virtual reality game development.
    Watch Gameplay
  5. ENI PC and VR Oil Extraction Platform Virtual Training
    Created a virtual training platform for oil extraction, utilizing PC and VR technologies for an authentic simulation experience.
    Explore the Training Platform
  6. Mobile Entertaining App For Kinder Ferrero (AR Minigame)
    Designed an engaging AR minigame for Kinder Ferrero, blending interactive augmented reality with brand engagement.
    Download the App
  7. File://Maniac – Independent PC Game
    Crafted a unique puzzle game that integrates the file system into its gameplay, offering a novel challenge to players.
    Discover the Game
  8. The Saving Light – Independent PC Game
    Explored narrative-driven gameplay and atmospheric design in this interactive game, enhancing storytelling through digital experiences.
    Play The Saving Light
  9. Syncreality
    Collaborated on creating cutting-edge VR experiences, integrating advanced VR devices and Lidar scanners to produce immersive environments.
    Learn more about Syncreality

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